Improving the lives of Young People Living With HIV/AIDS

Uganda Network of young people living with HIV & AIDS started in 2003 to provide leadership and coordinate the greater and meaningful involvement and participation of YPLHIV in Uganda in the national, regional and global HIV and AIDS response. UNYPA advocates improving the quality of life of young people living with HIV in Uganda and as a network. UNYPA is driven by the needs of young people living with HIV and implements an evidence informed national programme and advocacy for YPLHIV to lead healthy and productive lives.
The elements of UNYPA’s national programme and advocacy include promoting universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support; fighting stigma and discrimination against young people living with HIV; and, promoting the greater involvement of young people living with HIV in the national HIV response.

Our Program Areas.
Promoting universal access
Health and well-being
Our Organization Profile
The Uganda Network of Young People Living with HIV & AIDS (UNYPA) is a youth-led and youth-serving non-governmental organization established in 2003 to provide leadership and coordinate meaningful engagement and participation of young people living with HIV (YPLHIV) in Uganda in the national, regional and global HIV/AIDS response. UNYPA’s advocacy is driven by the needs of YPLHIV and hence implements evidence informed national programs for YPLHIV to lead healthy, productive and positive lives. The elements of UNYPA’s national advocacy include promoting universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care & support; fighting stigma and discrimination against YPLHIV while promoting effective youth focused, adolescent responsive leadership in ending AIDS by 2030.
Our projects
Some of our Projects
We have many done projects
Feel Free to reach out.
Our Core projects.

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