Who We Are.
The Uganda Network of Young People Living with HIV & AIDS (UNYPA) is a youth-led and youth-serving non-governmental organization established in 2003 to provide leadership and coordinate meaningful engagement and participation of young people living with HIV (YPLHIV) in Uganda in the national, regional and global HIV/AIDS response. UNYPA’s advocacy is driven by the needs of YPLHIV and hence implements evidence-informed national programs for YPLHIV to lead healthy, productive and positive lives. The elements of UNYPA’s national advocacy include promoting universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care & support; fighting stigma and discrimination against YPLHIV while
promoting effective youth-focused, adolescent-responsive leadership in ending AIDS by
Our Core Values
Uganda Network of young People Living with HIV/AIDS is committed to practicing what it teaches at both the team and individual levels. Consequently, we shall uphold the following values:
- Honesty
- Integrity
- Transparency
- Team work
- Collective responsibility